1)Still have time starting from 12/7/2010 ---> 16/4/2011.
2)Will start working on July 2011 as previous batch (or earlier, who knows?)
We learn together,
We grow up together,
We laugh toghether,
We will graduate together Insyaallah.
We grow up together,
We laugh toghether,
We will graduate together Insyaallah.
Thanks amal for this pic. *amik tak mintak. Hehe...
=p dok tgk senior update status dorg arini, dok tebayang gak mcm manalah kite sume next year... huhu bakal melalui proses yg sme ^^
a year to go....!~
err.. tgk tjuk countdown td, terus click.. ngat kan tgah count ape hoho
mesti pk countdown yg bkn2!haha....
urmm..cptnya dah msk final yr, excited tp sdey.. sempat ke nk brsedia stahun je lg nak msk alam kerjaya..
...all the best for ur final year.. :)))....
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